Live your life

I’ve recently received a really bad life advice. First I learned that I’m wasting my life and it lacks a meaning, and then I was told to think about what other people might think of me. The implication was obvious – I should make a good impression on others because I’m not making it now. Usually I wouldn’t even bother thinking about this, but it was said by someone whose opinion I’d like to value. I’m afraid he’s lost all my respect now. But I gave it a thought all right.

Don’t live your life to please others. Don’t live in fear of what others think of you. Sure, it’s not great when people think bad things about you, but at the end of the day their opinion doesn’t matter, yours does. As long as you have a clear conscience, you live the way you want, you do the things that make you happy. If you can be happy and satisfied with your life and yourself as a person, then it doesn’t matter which schools you went to, what job you have, where you live, how many friends you have, or how much money is in your bank account.

I’ve spent years trying to do things that would make others happy. I did things because they were expected of me. I didn’t stop to think if those are the things I want to be doing. Until one day when I realized I hate my life and something has to change. And so it did. I no longer have my own place to live, but I can smile a real smile every day. I don’t have a permanent job, but I enjoy the sunshine on my face and the rain in my hair. It took me some time, but I realized I can be happy. I don’t just survive anymore, I live.

Do things you enjoy and if someone cannot support you then maybe they don’t deserve you in their lives.